Last semester, Alpha Tau Omega members generated well over 500 hours of service to the community. Members are required to complete fifteen hours of community service per semester. The fraternity creates and manages multiple fund-raising events for our local philanthropy; Payne County Youth Services. Some of these events include a haunted house, homecoming festivities, and Gatorfest. ATO has been recognized several times over the years as the outstanding community service chapter at OSU and within ATO nationally.
Year after year, Epsilon Omicron puts on an event known as Gatorfest. Gatorfest supports the Payne County Youth Services. The Event Consists of a Field day where sororities compete in events like bubble soccer or tug of war, as well as a night where a live alligator comes to the Chapter House for people to hold and take pictures with.
We take pride in making everlasting impacts on the community. Contact us to learn more.